So here it is the first project - As I work in theatre, and my job is to sell tickets, I'm thinking that this might be a good product to base my project on. I've had a fair bit of experience working with various box office systems as a user, and I'm hoping that real-world experience will help me to imagine realistic requirements without too much difficulty, so I can spend my time grappling with the hard work ; actually implementing a solution.
Project description
The aim of this project is to design and develop an e-commerce based web application for the domain of your choice (e.g. an online music shop). This e-commerce site will allow users to log onto the site and browse the inventory by various credentials, e.g. product name, manufacturer, model etc. A user can register with your site to make allow for purchases on the site. Once registered, the user can add items to his or her cart. Items can be added and removed by the user as he or she browses the inventory. Once the user is ready to make a purchase the user is brought to a payment page where details on what is in the user’s cart is given to the user and a total price is also provided. The user can then make a payment for the purchases.
A project definition must be first defined detailing the following [1000 word max]:
· Description of the domain your e-commerce application will be developed for
o Conceptual description of the domain.
· Specific requirements of the domain - processes etc.
· Proposed web application specification
o Pages in web app and how the user navigates the web app
This web application will be implemented using the Rails framework. This site should implement the following features:
· A database manages inventory. Web application must connect and query the database to display inventory details. You are required to create this database.
· Users must register with the site to buy items. Database manages user details.
· Unregistered users can view content but cannot buy items
· Users must be able to buy more than one item in a given session
· Log in area must be provided on all screens for a user who is not logged in
· The products the user has put into his or her “cart” and a subtotal should be displayed to the user at all times.
· When a user has bought an item it must be recorded in the database
· Ensure your website is secure by:
o Taking measures against injection.
o Taking measures against redirection.
o Ensuring proper session management.
o User credentials are protected.
Your website should have the minimal number of pages of the following:
· Welcome page - welcoming the user, provides user with information on their last visit and what they bought.
· Profile page - details on user, which can be edited by user. Purchase history of user is also provided on this page.
· Page displaying inventory - inventory can be browsed in a variety of ways and can also be searched.
· Registration page - this is where users log into the page
· Check out page - detailing the number of each item being bought and a total price.
· Provisions must be made to allow the user to add inventory items to a cart.
· Thank you page - after a purchase is made.
You will be expected to present you web application to demonstrate your understanding of the solution you have implemented. A short 1,500 word technical report must also be submitted describing the implementation. You must submit your code along with your technical report.
All work must be your own. Any examples, tutorials used must be detailed in your technical report.
Web Technology | Data Persistence | Completeness | |
>70% | A project that effectively addresses session management, security issues, and is designed using software engineering principle. Deep understanding of MVC architecture and its application in Rails. Extension to ActiveRecord, controllers and views for advanced functionality. DRY principle is effectively applied. | ActiveRecord is extended to incorporate additional functionality | Project was developed using sound software engineering principles. Project is carries out all functionality described above and provides the user with other unconsidered functionality or non-functional requirement (e.g. additional security provisions are made or recommendations are made to the user based on data from database). |
>60% | A project that effectively uses rails framework. Session management is effective and security measures have been applied. There is some repetition of code but it is limited and some effort has been made to apply DRY principle. | ActiveRecord usage and understanding is effective. | Project implements all functionality defined in the project specification. |
>50% | Session management implementation is effective. Some security has been applied. | Data persistence is effective. | Project provides for session management. Users can register with the site. Inventory catalog is provided. |
Pass | The rails web app provides for some limited functionality. | Data persistence is effective but has bugs (i.e. the student does not have a clear understanding of how ActiveRecord works) | Project is implemented using Rails framework. No security or session management have been implemented |
Fail | Project does not work and student has no understanding of web frameworks in general and rails in particular | Data persistence is not effective | The student does not understand aspects of the code/analysis methods. |
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